Sunday, January 2, 2011

Another Beautiful Day!

The weather is wonderful today.  Started out with a 1.2 mile walk on the treadmill in our fitness center, then walked out on the dock to the ocean to look at the high tide, the first time I had been that close to high tide- pretty awesome.  Decided to walk to where I knew Gordy would be coming back from his 6 mile walk. Reached a mile before I met up with him, and talked him into slowing down a bit and walk leisurely back with me to the condo.

Of course, laying out at the pool with John & Betty came next.  A little breezier today, but still stayed about 2 hours.  After lunch, Betty joined Gordy & I on a 2 mile walk on the beach, heading north today.  Very eventful- got to see beautiful sea stars, jellyfish, and crabs- I swear they were looking back at me with their tiny, little eyes.
Then we came across something none of us could explain.  In a puddle in the sand we saw some circular bubbling about the size of dimes.  We figured something was alive under the sand, so Betty started digging with her hands, but didn't uncover anything.  So Gordy got a big rock to dig with and when he put it on top of the area, he could feel huge vibrations under the sand.  Betty & I both felt them & it was the weirdest thing.  They were pretty intense vibrations, so we decided to leave well enough alone.  So much for being adventuresome.
Late afternoon we took off for Finn's at Flagler Beach down the road a couple of miles.  Finn's is a fun rooftop bar/restaurant, overlooking the ocean.  Had a beer and appetizers- no onion rings for Gordy today as they were out of them. 

Headed back to the condo where Gordy & I made Chicken Pepper Stir-Fry for Dinner.  A very enjoyable day.

Tomorrow......we're going in search of manatees!!

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