Friday, January 7, 2011

Lazy Day

It was kind of a relax and don't do much day today.  We did go to the Farmers Market tho.  The strawberries were even better than last week.  Also got broccoli, potatoes, pineapple,  stringbeans, green & red peppers, onions, and of course, the oranges.

Laid at the pool, and even tho it was a cool, windy day today in Palm Springs, our pool is sometimes protected from the wind and we ended up staying there for almost 3 hours.

Gordy & I made Oven Baked Stew tonite, and confirmed after baking it for at least 3 hours (should have been a maximum of 2) that our oven doesn't work quite right.  John & Betty were gracious to still eat it with us and said it was quite good.  Now, don't ask me why I didn't just finish cooking it on top of the stove.  That never occurred to me til now!!!  Oh, well, tomorrow night we are going out to eat.

Sorry, no pictures today.  You're probably still smiling from John's picture yesterday with his new hair-do.

Take care everyone.  We're anxiously awaiting all our visitors, starting with Karen, Colin and Blake on Wednesday!

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