Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Day at Home- Surf Club II

We decided to stay around our condo today.  While Gordy went on his 6 1/2 mile walk, I did a couple hours of office work on my laptop.  Then off to the pool- laid out for 2 1/2 hours.  I think we're all starting to look a little tan.  Gordy tried out the hot tub which was 103 deg.

We ate a quick lunch.  Then off to the tennis courts for Gordy & I.  First set---he was beating me with his awesome serves and shots.  I don't know if he was feeling sorry for me, or if I was just starting to get use to playing singles and outside, but I came back and won 6-4.  Second set-- 6-0.  Game, set, match.  Sorry, Gord.

After our tennis match, we caught up with John & Betty for a walk on the beach.  The tide was higher during this time- the ocean appeared so different than it did when we went for our walk 2 days ago.  But it's always beautiful.  Its fast becoming one of my favorite places to be.  Today we came across a sea horse washed ashore which Betty said they had never seen in their 3 years on this beach.  I have to say Betty is the master at spotting things on the beach.

John loves to pose for the camera so I'm including a couple pictures of him:).

Enjoyed a UV Orange & Fresco on our balcony hoping to site Gordy's & my first dolphin of the year.  Maybe it will happen tomorrow!! Ended the day with the guys grilling burgers.  A very peaceful day at Surf Club II.

1 comment:

  1. Great pics Mom, even the one of John posing! Have you tried any new drink recipes yet?
