Monday, January 24, 2011

They're Here!!!!

Off to Orlando Sanford Airport yesterday to pick up the group---Terry, Sue, Laurie, Mike, Chuck & Mary.  They were so excited to be in Florida!!  Then we rushed back to Palm Coast to watch the second half of the Bears-Packers game. 

 The girls decided to go take a look at the ocean.

Looking for sea shells.

Our amazing shoreline!

After the game we enjoyed grilled hamburgers and played some cards.  A fun first day!!

Today after a workout and breakfast out on the balcony, Chuck & Terry took on Laurie and me at tennis.  Needless to say, the guys are demanding a rematch tomorrow!!!

The off to St. Augustine, about 20 miles north of here.  St. Augustine is a fun place about 20 miles north of here.  First stop:  San Sabastian Winery for some wine-tasting.

This is "the group".

Bottoms up, Betty!
Then off to the quaint little shops in St. Augustine.  The girls enjoyed the shops.  The guys enjoyed the bars!

Laurie getting a demo of some pretty neat hand soap- first of several purchases!

Sue, Laurie & Dee in from of the oldest schoolhouse in the USA!

Having fun at The Mill!

Mary, Sue, Dee, Betty, & Laurie in front of The Mill

The 3 Bros--Terry, John & Chuck

Today was our sister, Kathy's birthday.  She's coming to visit in 3 weeks, but we wanted to let her know we were thinking of her.  So.....we called her while we were at the Mill and had the singer sing her "Happy Birthday."  He was an awesome singer.  So this picture is for you, Kathy!!!!
 After leaving St. Augustine, we stopped at Beachcombers to eat supper.  We love this place!

Eating alligator tail!

Terry loved the alligator tail!

Great burgers and chicken sandwiches.  Gordy got his onion rings!
Back to the condo for dessert and a few hands of Euchre.  Then to bed!!  More adventures tomorrow!

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