Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Off to See the Manatees!

Today 's forecast was for clouds with afternoon thunderstorms, so we decided it was a good day to go to see the manatees.  Of course, the first stop on this trip is always the Old Spanish Sugar Mill Pancake House in DeLeon State Park where we make our own pancakes for breakfast.

 Then outside for our first sights of the manatees and walking around the grounds.

The Old Spanish Sugar Mill Pancake House

Standing in front of the historical Fountain of Youth

The girls!
  Next stop, was Blue Springs State Park on the St. Johns River.  There's always a sign when you enter the park saying how many manatees are there so far that day.  They actually get in a canoe and go down the river and manually count the manatees they see that day. Today's count was 148.

There's actually manatees in this picture, but more impressive today were the alligators we saw. 

Baby Alligator

Much discussion was made of why Mary would take a picture of this stump which was in the middle of the boardwalk, so I took a picture of it too.  Isn't it awesome!

The Guys
  On the way home we stopped at the Harley Davidson Store which was huge!  Terry informed us he could stay there all day, but we limited his time to the purchase of 3 t-shirts.

What Mike wants for Christmas

Terry found a bike like the one he already has
  Another stop on the way home was Finn's along the ocean in Flagler Beach for beer and appetizers.

John's favorite drink!  If the sign is gone tomorrow, check out his condo!

We tried to burn off the calories we just consumed at Finns!

Back at Surf Club the guys grilled brats in the rain.  I served my now famous "Day at the Beach" drinks.  Finished off the day by playing our adapted version of Couples Scattegories!  Ask Gordy to demonstrate his version of Pirate language that begins with R.

Needless to see, we love our company!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys are all having fun! I hope I get to try those make-it-yourself pancakes when I am there!
