Friday, January 14, 2011

Farmers Market & Dolphins

Had to add this picture from yesterday.  Colin read the bedtime story to Grandpa & Blake.

Today is Friday & Friday means Farmers Market.  So around 9:00 we, (Gordy, Karen, Colin, Blake & I) took off for Flagler Beach.  I wasn't sure if the boys would like it, but they loved it.  We bought oranges, potatoes, aspargus, pineapple, green beans, squash, radishes, green onions, kettle corn, tomato, brocoli, mushrooms, peppers, cherries,and the boys' personal favorites: strawberries, tangerines & boiled peanuts.  Colin  loved the music of the guy playing the steel drum.

Colin helped pick out the strawberries.

Blake loved the samples of the tangerines.
 Once we got back home we walked down to the beach.  The boys love to go to the beach, even when it's cold and high tide.

Karen drank 2 cups of hot chocolate after this trek.

Colin found an interesting formation.

It was too cold for the sea stars today, but we did see jellyfish!

What's there not to love about this beach?!!

 On our way back from our hike on the beach we stopped to see John & Betty who were laying out at the pool. This picture is of them by the hot tub, but they also ventured over to the real pool and proceded to get pretty wet.  And the pool can't be heated when its this cold out!

This afternoon we took the boys to Marineland. We had promised them they could see dolphins up really close and they sure got to do that. They took part in the Touch & Feed Program. They got to pet the dolphins and feed them fish and hold their fluke.  Quite an exciting afternoon.

They thought the dolphin's skin felt like hot dogs.

I think she's posing just for us!

Is that a flying dolphin?!

We learned not to use the "T" word (tanks).  The dolphins are kept in " pools."

Our guide, "Dee", who answered all our questions. Colin really impressed her with his knowledge of mammals.

A great day at Marineland!

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