Saturday, January 1, 2011

Before Today

Creating this blog is my way of not only sharing my travels with family and friends, but also to help me remember the details of my travels.  I’ve been very fortunate this past 15 months  in my many travels:  Oregon in October, ’09 with my daughter, Lindsey; Las Vegas with my sisters, Kathy, Laurie, Sally, and sisters-in-law Sue and Mary in December, ’09; a 2-week Cruise Tour  to Alaska with Kathy and John in late June; Wilderness on the Lake in Wisconsin with many of my family members in August, California in September with Lindsey, Ashley and Karen and a quick trip to Omaha to watch Pete Sampras play tennis last month.  There were a few trips into Chicago to visit Lindsey, including cheering her & Ashley on as they ran the Shamrock Shuffle in March.   We also spent 4 days in Springfield, MO, with Chris and his mixed doubles tennis team, watching them compete at Sectionals and went to see a Twins game with Ashley & Chad. 
This leads to today-our first full day of our two-month stay in Florida. Wouldn’t you say I’m a very lucky girl!!  We actually arrived early yesterday, after a 2 1/2 day drive following my brother and sister-in-law, John & Betty, to our condo here in Florida.  First stop yesterday- the Farmers Market- one of Gordy's most favorite activities here.  Bought fresh green beans, strawberries, tomatoes, pineapple, oranges (to die for) and peppers.  Arrived at our condo, and helped John & Betty unpack as ours was not quite ready.  The weather - in the 70's and sunny.  Of course, that meant laying out at the pool.  Grilled steak and the green beans from the market made a wonderful dinner.  Unpacked our car with John's help - and I finally agreed, " yes, I did bring way too many clothes." Even tho it was New Year's Eve, we were all pretty tired and made an early evening of it.
Today was a perfect New Year's Day.  Gordy went for a six mile walk/run, and found an area he described as a beautiful rain forest-like area.  John & Betty saw the first dolphin this morning from their balcony.  I woke up looking out our bedroom window seeing a beautiful sunrise over the ocean. As we laid by the pool again, I marveled at the uniqueness of the palm trees and the pelicans soaring overhead.  This afternoon, we walked on our beach, which is our favorite beach, for 2 1/2 miles.  Besides the many sea shells, we saw a jelly fish and sea stars.  We ended the afternoon with a short drive north to a little beachside bar/resturant and enjoyed a beer there.  Of course, Gordy couldn't resist the onion rings.  It was fun people watching and listening to the locals.  You always pick up good tips from them.  Evening meal:  grilled hamburgers, chips and salsa (with peppers from the farmers market), grilled pineapple (from the farmers market) and Betty made awesome chocolate-covered strawberries (yep, from the farmers market).
Life can't get any better than this, and I am truly thankful Gordy and I have this opportunity.  Happy New Year's to all of you and we can't wait till you come visit!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are enjoying yourself already! Thanks for sharing. Now you need to start getting in the habit of taking photos of your meals/drinks and then post those photos as well!
