Thursday, January 13, 2011

Karen, Colin, & Blake Have Arrived!

Only in the 40's yesterday, but the crazy thing is, since it was sunny we were still able to lay out at the pool!

I have to include a picture of the drink I made last night for dinner since it's the first mixed drink I've ever made.  It was very tasty with Betty's Italian Sausage soup.

"Day at the Beach"

Then off to Orlando to the airport to pick up Karen, Colin, & Blake, our first visitors.  It was about midnight when we got back to the condo last night so straight to bed.

Today is suppose to be the coolest day of their stay here (high 40's) so we decided it would be a good day to go see the manatees in  Blue Springs.  Of course, we stopped first at the Old Spanish Sugar Mill Restaurant in DeLeon Springs State Park where we got to make our own pancakes.  The boys thought this was pretty good.

 After finishing these great tasting pancakes, we walked around the grounds.

Kind of looked like owls

Colin loved the Spanish Moss from the trees

Their first sight of manatees and leaping fish.

 On to Blue Springs State Park.  When we were here a week ago, there were 98 manatees sighted.  Today there were 258.  They were everywhere. 

Colin discovered he loves binoculars!

Couldn't get a good picture of the alligators we saw, but saw 2 armadillos along the path.

Back at our condo, we didn't think we would be able to walk down to the ocean because it was high tide and cold.  But......the boys talked us into it.  They put on Grandpa's stocking caps and off we went to our beach and their first sight of the Atlantic Ocean.  One thing about our beach, it's great for little boys who love to climb!

They LOVED picking up sea shells!

It was a great first day.  Tomorrow we're going to see the dolphins.  Hopefully it will be warmer!

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