Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Beautiful Day at Surf Club 2

Started out the day with a workout at the Fitness Center- 3 miles on the treadmill is starting to come a little easier!!  After I was done, I joined Terry, Sue, Mary, & Chuck who had gone down to the beach for a walk.  Pretty breezy-- didn't have a camera to take a picture of Chuck rescuing Terry's hat from the ocean.  After breakfast, we headed to the pool.  First time we've been there this week.

Cabana Boy serving up Bloody Marys at the pool

 The pitcher of Pina Coladas that Laurie & I made was a hit.  Everyone enjoyed the warmth of the sun and the idea of getting some color- even if it was "red".

The guys went to hit some golf balls in preparation for their golf outing tomorrow.  So the girls decided to take a walk on the beach.  It was beautiful.  Very peaceful.

Searching for unusual seashells.

Laurie spotted her first sea star.

Mary goes all out searching for her most unusual seashell.

After the beach, Chuck, Terry, Laurie & decided to get some late afternoon tennis in.  Let's just say Laurie & I are still undefeated! 

Finished the day by going out to eat at Finn's. 

A beautiful day in Florida with awesome company!  Tomorrow looks like it will be equally wonderful!

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