Sunday, January 23, 2011

Where Did the Week Go??

A week has gone by since my last post--makes me realize how fast our time is going here :(

Early last Monday morning, we took off for a 2 day stay in Orlando with Karen, Colin & Blake.  After checking in at Shades of Green, a disney hotel for military people only, we took off for Sea World.  It was pouring down rain!!!  I know I shouldn't complain cuz of what all my family and friends are going through up north, but it did rain most of the day.  We still had a great time tho, and found Sea World had changed alot since we had been there many years ago.
Looking from underneath at the stingrays.

Look like they are smiling from underneath1

Look closely to see the lacey looking sea lion,

Petting the sting rays

Stingers are removed!

Up close at the dolphin pool.

The Shamu show was awesome!

The rain stopped for part of the day!
  Our favorite show was the dolphin show "Blue Horizons"- unlike any dolphin show I've ever seen.  It was beautiful-- not only with dolphins, but divers and acrobats in beautiful costumes..  You didn't know what to look at because there was so much going on.  A must see if you go to Sea World.

"Clyde & Seamore take Pirate Island"

A wonderful day at Sea World!

 On Tuesday we went to Animal Kingdom- a great place to take kids.  We loved it.

Blake & Colin in front of the Living Tree

The Living Tree up close.

 One of our favorite rides was in Africa - the Safari Ride where we took a trip on a land rover thru the grounds and saw every kind of animal native to Africa.

Baby giraffe

The Upside Down Tree

The ostrich came right up to our vehicle!

The Festival of the Lion King Show was awesome!

Eating Mickey Mouse Ice Cream Bars
  The boys' favorite was DinoLand.  They are both quite the experts on dinosaurs so they loved this area!

The Parade

Back at our hotel.

On Wednesday, our vacation with the boys and Karen had to come to an end as we took them to the Orlando Airport.    It was a fun-filled week.  We did and saw so much- loved their time with us.  We missed them as soon as they took off.
But now, we are on our way to Orlando to pick up Laurie, Mike, Terry, Sue, Chuck & Mary for another great week here in Florida!!!!

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